Chiropractic physicals are similar to standard examinations performed by all healthcare providers. Forms are filled out with background information about previous health conditions and symptoms as well as family history. A thorough examination is given, including blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and reflexes. Further testing may include neurologic or orthopedic procedures to determine muscle strength, muscle tone, range of motion, and neurologic integrity.
Based on the above results, x-rays may be ordered to take a deeper look at underlying structures that cannot be readily seen.
A chiropractic physical is especially helpful when needing clearance to play sports. An adult who does not require written “clearance” is also encouraged to have a sports physical, especially before beginning a new sport. By seeing a chiropractor for sports physicals, it is more likely that potential areas of concern for future injuries will be found. Weaknesses can be uncovered, and preventative treatments can be prescribed. By identifying these possible future problems, not only could you be preventing pain but you could also be ensuring a successful sports season for you and your entire team. It would be devastating if the star player cannot play in the championship game!
If you are in need of any type of physical, contact Gateway Chiropractic to discuss your options.